Psalm 134 - "Behold and Bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, who by night stand in the house of the Lord! Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and bless the Lord. The Lord who made heaven and earth bless you from Zion!


I don't know what to say to that...

Tonight I received one of the most awkward compliments of my life. And so, the award for Most Awkward Compliment of 2007 is given to JD Wenger for this stunning statement from coffee tonight.

"Wow Charity, if I could kiss your brain, I would."

I mean really, what are you supposed to say in response to that? Thank you?

So you might be asking your screen, what did I say?

Well, I laughed out loud and said, "Wait...What?...What?...Oh, my gosh, that was amazing. I have to write that down."

And then I did. But it was still really awkward.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I can top that!
I was at Target with a friend and the check out girl leaned conspiratorially over the counter and said, with the sweetest tone and expression
" I just wanted to tell you, you are one of the greatest looking pregnant girls I have ever seen! You look amazing!"

Now you are asking yourself, but Jennifer, that compliment was so kind and sweet!


Kristine said...

"You're brain makes me smarter" - that quote's from me :). But it really does. I've realized I need your mastermind INTJ skills to help ESFP's like myself stop for a second and think before acting. I don't analyze situations nearly enough! So we need to connect brains so you can be more spontaneous and I can be more analytical - incidentally, I was looking at your personality profile on a site and it called your type, "the Scientist" - so here's to scientifically-minded people. We "performers" couldn't live a rich life without you!

charity said...

I can't believe that anyone would think you were pregnant. Maybe you just had that 'glow'?

Anonymous said...

i like your brain, too.

kissing it might be a little much, but i certainly do appreciate it, yes.

Anonymous said...

The strangest one I've ever heard was one of my friends was on a date and the guy leaned over at a particularly romantic time and said "You're nose is so animated, it makes you beautiful."

Anonymous said...

It's happened to me 5 times. I have finally started saying thank you.