Psalm 134 - "Behold and Bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, who by night stand in the house of the Lord! Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and bless the Lord. The Lord who made heaven and earth bless you from Zion!



A few wekes ago I was amassing a huge document of every time the word 'behold' was used in the Bible. One specific day, I was working my way up through 1&2 Chronicles up through Isaiah. It was quite the task, especially when so many of the passages were long and had to do with some sort of judgment. Then I stumbled upon this passage and my heart just came alive, Isaiah 7:14,
"Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin will conceive and bear a Son and shall call His name Immanuel."
This passage is stunning in its simplicity, and yet, people have been staring at the mystery of the incarnation for centuries and still no one can fathom the depths of this act. How is it that the creator can step down and join in the same substance as His creation? How could the fullness of divinity rest in that tiny body? Certainly this is a sign and a wonder. A virgin will have a child and suddenly, for the first time in ages, God will be dwelling with man. I wish that you guys could appreciate how long it is taking me to write this post. Honestly, I just keep staring at my bible, wondering: what more can I say? I'll say this. I certainly don't have all of these mysteries figured out, but I will join with Mary and 'ponder these things in my heart,' until I receive more revelation. I just might stick to this one verse all week. It has so much to it; I just can't do it justice in one entry!


ChriS & Yvette Ferguson said...


He has given and is giving you a message. Proclaim it loudly. You are living the LIFE!

Amanda said...


Thanks for blowing my mind tonight with that post. Fully God and fully Man....
